Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Why Does This Blog Give Me That Wishful Feeling?

It's April 18. I always get that wistful feeling during the second week of April and the thoughts of my blog. I guess it's because I started the thing on April 18, that was 2010. Way back then, things were very different. After all, blogs back then were very very cool.

Even though I still think blogs are cool, I think they are dated. I don't think people want to sit down and read blogs any more. I feel like this: “Social influencer killed the blog star.”

I don't care how uncool the blog is. I don't even care how little readership I get. Those days are behind me. In the olden days, there were tons of views, tons of readers, and tons of interactions. Unfortunately, I have not really kept up with the blog in recent years. I suppose it's because I just don't have the same needs that I once had. I no longer want a platform to show case myself as a writer, I just don't care.

I care enough about the blog not to have removed it. I mean, I could remove it, why not? Many of the links I've used over the years no longer work. I don't think the blogger platform is well maintained anymore. But for me, I still want this as a show of the years I did work on it.

Also, I have had old friends who I've lost touch with contact me through the blog. It's still got merits. And this week, as I came to the anniversary of this thing, I became very wistful. I still get the same feeling that I always got when I muse over something here and send it out into the ether.

I've got a virtual message here in a virtual bottle and as I stand on this virtual shore, I throw it into the virtual ocean.

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