Saturday, December 26, 2015

The Last Post of 2015

It's no secret, I've really checked out of this blog and when it comes down to it, the greater part of the internet in 2015.

I'd taken a six month digital fast earlier in the year and I never fully recovered from it. Admittedly, during that 6 month digital fast, I missed Umbrella Factory Magazine. I didn't really miss Facebook or email or the flashy popup ads everywhere else.

I suppose when it comes down to it, I am just as happy, if not more, without this digital anit-world.

I've slowly crept back to my computer. I've slowly looked at email and Facebook and this blog again.

My email is as empty as it's always been. It's what I consider a work address and most of my correspondence is related to my magazine. Any of that personal, social, or frivolous communication comes to me via Facebook.

Facebook is fascinating. I'm floored by how many people see the world through the Facebook periscope. I'm also floored by the various Facebook personas people have. I'm not sure if Facebook personas have always been there or if they're more prevalent now that Janice has pointed them out to me. My Facebook persona? Writer.

When it come right down to it, I feel like there was a bit of an imbalance in my life going into 2015. I felt like too much of my time was at the computer staring into the mesmerizing screen and clicking off mentally. It goes without saying that this is not exactly true, and hyperbole is a great thing. Yet, my days are packed with family obligations and housework and then my evenings out of the house are at work. When did I really have that online time?

I feel reset.

A big part of the digital fast was to get back to my pen and notebooks, which I did. I did not write much in 2014, nor in 2013. 2015 was a much more lucrative year. And I feel like 2016 will be especially prolific.

All said, I wrote more in 2015 and I spent less time on the internet. I took two issues of UFM off. I wrote a great deal. But I missed this blog.

Even though I have a big interest in starting up my blog in 2016, I'm curious to see how difficult it's going to be. After all, I took a year break from it. For years I was fanatical about a weekly blog post and in 2015 I didn't even average a monthly post. The questions are: will a weekly frequency prove too much, or will I even have the effort to begin anew? I suppose the real question is: will the blog mean as much to me as it once did?

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