Old Volkswagen vans and adultery are the destination and the mode of transport in Gun to the Head.
Bacon grease, boutique restaurants and that burnt cup of coffee are
the fill and quench of hungry both for breakfast and the last meal. Gun to the Head is a beating, it's an evacuation plan, and adultery.
a philandering restauranteur gets just desserts. Killing himself with
secrets and losing one girlfriend after another, Danny can't bring
himself to tell his wife the truth about his nightly activities. Danny's
eventual solution carries him over the southern half of the United
States and ultimately to a realization of failed endeavor.
In a country
constantly at war, how many people really want to “support our troops”
when they need it most? Rallying behind combat soldiers is one thing,
but when soldiers need support the most is after they have filtered back
down to the cities and towns that spawned them. Undertakers of Rain
is ten years after the war. It is the time when Sam and John realize
the memory set as men does not include the boyhood memories of war.
and John both have returned home, left university with honors and
landed high-paying jobs in finance. They struggle in their relationships
with women, they drink in seedy bars, and they hate “hippies.” As they
develop into calmer men, men with perspective and experience, they need
each other to reconcile the past. Not even the most wicked person lacks
moments of righteousness. And indeed, of the people they meet along
their journey, not all righteous people are without wickedness.
Phillip, Jess, and Mitchell are all Hudsons, and they are about to lose a woman, the same woman. Mapping Generic Streets
is just one weekend in the life of the three Hudson men, and the last
weekend for the woman they are all about to lose. Bedrooms, the Boy
Scout Motto and youth cannot compete with the challenge of family, and
what makes up family for these three men.
Mapping Generic Streets
is any town, any place, any suburbia in this country where a restaurant
owner can support his family, a place where boys can work, or
participate in the Boy Scouts. Phillip's loneliness, Jess's
impetuousness, and Mitchell's heroics over the course of the weekend
cannot prepare them for the events of Sunday afternoon. The quiet
language and easy going nature of these characters lends appeal to peace
in their confusion, even when they don't know it. Change of life
happens so quickly, sometimes one action, one word, one breath. Mapping Generic Streets is that one breath.
the rainy winter nights of Portland, Oregon a group of young people
live well enough: they have jobs, they drink coffee, they smoke
cigarettes, they read books and eat psychedelic mushrooms. In a spirit
of noir, not dissimilar to the long winter nights of the Pacific
Northwest Psychotomimetic Peacocks is a sound somewhere between a scream, a peacock's call and the incessant rain.
Northwest Portland, a neighborhood where anything can and does happen,
an unlikely group of young people bond over coffee and cigarettes and
news of the “bedroom smother,” the local serial killer. Every night this
group of neighborhood kids convene over the day's events: parties,
tarot card readings, murder and recounted tales of trespassing. Each
page moves the characters closer to the killer, and the killer moves
each page closer to the characters until the final blow in the bedroom.