In the months that followed Desert
Storm I wandered streets of every town within an hour's train ride
from my little town of Ansbach, Germany. Sometimes I ventured farther
away, and sometimes I ventured further inside. That summer, the
summer of 1991 was cool in central Europe. It was cool to me, anyway.
I will not bring up my high school sweetheart other than she came to
visit and we had fun until we didn't. I will not bring up the few
weeks I worked at the neighborhood bar on weekend nights. I will not
bring up all the friends, new and old who spent their valuable time
with me. What I will bring up was what I carried on my person and
I tried to carry as much money as I
could for a trip and a return. After all, I worked in a bar a few
days a week, so I had cash. I carried my toothbrush and toothpaste.
If it came to me spending the night away from home, as it happened
occasionally, I had clean teeth. I once spent 24 hours in a small
town on the German border because I kept missing the train.
Occasionally, I carried a paperback. I had learned to enjoy reading
during the war. What was most important, I carried a small notebook
and pen.