Friday, July 12, 2024

On an Acceptance to Short Breasts

Short Beasts
 My short story “Poop Sprinkler” appears in Short Beasts today. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to be featured in Short Beasts, and I wonder if grateful is too light a word for it. I am delighted, elated, beyond description of my emotions. If you have a few minutes, please read it, and when you discover you have a few minutes more, please take a closer look at Short Beasts and the other writers they have featured.

The truth is, I have more questions about this than anything else. Some of you know me as a graphic designer, some of you know me as a waiter, others know me as the editor of Umbrella Factory Magazine and I hope more than a few of you know me as a writer, a writer of fiction namely. I have spent much of my life fiercely protecting my time so that I would have time to write. I cannot add up the years I have spent with my trusty composition notebook and my pen. They have been the only constant I've known. For many years I wrote full time. I got to spend 8 to 10 hours a day, every day, writing. I was living the dream, and to pay the rent, I was a waiter, every night. The only real difference between “writer” and “waiter” is one letter.