Ultimately, listening to
the silence of yourself and achieving self reliance, is not a very
fashionable thing to do. This sort of behavior is not so easily
transmitted via the ether to any give social media platform. This
sort of behavior is not the sort of thing that marketers can cater
to. It's tough for the outside to get in. And it may be too difficult
to define to the outside what is happening on the inside.
In 1841 when Ralph
Waldo Emerson published his essay Self Reliance
he summed up all of this themes very articulately. He meant to say to
the world that each individual needs to avoid conformity and
false consistency, and simply obey their own instincts and ideas.
Emerson was very critical of society. He was critical of the church
despite being an ordained Unitarian minister himself. Self reliance
to Emerson is a very personal journey. To Emerson, we all have the
capability of self reliance.
I believe in the Emersonian view of self reliance.
I'm in it totally, subjected to the thoughts of a man who
specifically told me not to let anyone think for me, including
Emerson himself. But even following the ideals of Emerson or the
greater community of the American Renaissance writers like Thoreau,
Hawthorne, Whitman or Melville, can only go so far in our modern
I don't suppose that
humanity has changed all that much since the beginning of time. I
believe that ancient humans were just sophisticated and just as deep
thinking as we are today. I believe the human curiosity and human
intellect built the pyramids at Gyza and the library at Alexandra. I
also believe that it was human intellect and human destruction that
destroyed the library at Alexandra or any number of cities from Famen
Temple to New York's World Trade Center.
What has
changed, I suspect, is how much there is. I mean there is more of
everything than Emerson would have imagined. The population of
Concord may not have grown much, but think about the population of
Boston or Massachusetts or the United States and especially the