The days are getting noticeably longer.
The sun gets here a little earlier each morning. The flowers are
becoming widespread now, and obvious. Spring is here. Although in
Portland, it does not mean dry weather or even sunshine. The days
are longer, and there are more flowers, and that is saying something.
The long nights of winter are behind us for another six months.
Before I really joke about it, here is
my winter reading list:
1. What Am I Doing Here Bruce Chatwin
2. Under the Ribs of Death John Marlyn
3. Brazil Jesse Lee Kercheval
4. One Flew Over the Cockoo's Nest Ken
And here is what I actually read:
Etgar. Suddenly,
a Knock on the Door.
FSG: New York, 2012.
John. Under
the Ribs of Death.
McCelland & Stewart: Toronto, 1957.
Etgar. The
Nimrod Flip Out.
FSG: New York, 2006.
Snickett, book 6. If you have kids, go buy the series. Wonderful
Anna. Requiem
and Poem Without a Hero.
Ohio University Press: Athens, Ohio, 1976. D.M. Thomas, trans.
Matsuo. The
Narrow Road to the Deep North & Other Travel Sketches.
Penguin Classics: London, 1966. Nobuyuki Yuasa, trans.
Jesse Lee. Brazil.
Cleveland State University Press: Cleveland, Ohio, 2010.
Bruce. What
Am I Doing Here.
Viking: New York, 1989.
Ken. One
flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
Viking: New York, 2012.
blame the long nights for the expanded reading list. It's strange,
when in graduate school I was forced to write out a much larger
reading list than I would have been able to read each semester. I
was lucky to read 15 books, and I would make a list of 30. And for
whatever reason since grad school, I have made very small reading
lists and read more.
suppose the very notion of creating a reading list is silly. Why
bother, right? When you are a reader, it's all about reading, and
why follow a list? This all goes back a few years when Mark Dragotta
and I decided there were some books that are better to read during
the sunnier times of year. I suppose I still agree with the
conclusions the two of us came up with in the early fall of 2010.
And I suppose there are books worth reading when the weather gets
cold and the nights become long.
me, I decided to read something things I have not read in a long
time. The poetry namely: Basho and Akhmatova are both old
acquaintances. In the years between the last time I read Akhmatova
and now, my understanding of world events, namely of the Soviet
variety, made her poetry mean more to me. Not only that, I read the
introduction, and I did a little research. These are things I never
bothered with doing before. Incidentally, my appreciation for
Akhmatova has increased. Likewise, with Basho, I spent some time
researching the text. I have loved Basho since Rebecca Brown
introduced me to his work while I attended Goddard. NobuyukiYuasa's introduction made all the difference to me.
Marlyn's book, Under
the Ribs of Death
was perhaps the biggest surprised. Admittedly, I chose the book late
one night at Powell's only because of the title. I choose a great
number of books only because of the title. There have been
occurrences where choosing a book from the title has turned me on to
an entirely new writer, genre or literary period. This was not the
case with Marlyn's book. The novel is set between 1913 and 1933 in
Winnipeg, Canada. The main character is the son of Hungarian
immigrants. I know the book has several historical, cultural and
social connotations to it. I also know that the book is held in high
regard in Canada. Truth is, all that stuff aside, it's a great
story. Great characters, great scenes, great use of dialect and
great images of immigrant life.
Keret is always a favorite here and in our house. I read his stories
aloud sometimes, both at home and at the bar. Reading Keret's
stories aloud make me popular. Should you want to popular too, I
recommend reading Keret aloud wherever your people gather.
people here in good ol' Stumptown have trouble with the wintertime.
They have trouble with the rain. I don't think I do. Drink a lot of
coffee. Read a lot of books. It's not so bad.